Why Can't I Sleep After Sports Gambling?

Man sleeping on bed

Struggling to sleep due to gambling can be a sign of a betting addiction. It doesn’t matter if you won or lost your bets, though losing is more often associated with sleep issues.

Sports gambling is particularly disruptive to sleep because of the inherent excitement and stress of sporting events. Adding betting to the equation can severely disrupt your sleep.

Sleep problems after gambling can be due to several simple factors:

  1. Irregular Sleep Patterns: Gambling sessions, especially those that extend late into the night or early morning hours, can disrupt your regular sleep schedule.

  2. Adrenaline and Excitement: Gambling often induces a heightened state of excitement and adrenaline, making it difficult for your body to wind down and relax enough for sleep. Gambling is bad for your heart health for these reasons.

  3. Stress and Anxiety: Worrying about chasing losses or the potential consequences of your gambling activities can lead to stress and anxiety.

  4. Substance Use: Consuming alcohol, caffeine or other stimulants often associated with gambling can interfere with your ability to fall and stay asleep.

The most common way to bet on sports is through the internet, which we’ll discuss below.

Betting App Design Disrupts Your Circadian Rhythm

Mobile device use before bedtime has been shown to disrupt sleep. Coupled with the act of gambling, using a betting app near your sleep time can be harmful to a good night’s sleep.

Blue light from a betting app can disrupt your sleep in several ways:

  1. Melatonin Suppression: Blue light interferes with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Reduced melatonin levels make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  2. Circadian Rhythm Disruption: Exposure to blue light in the evening can shift your circadian rhythm, delaying your body's natural sleep time. 

  3. Increased Alertness: Blue light has a stimulating effect, increasing alertness and making it harder for your brain to wind down.

Betting apps like DraftKings, FanDuel and Bet365 are addictive by design, causing users to look at their bets before bedtime. Many sports games are in the evening and end late.

Most gamblers have trouble going to sleep without knowing the outcome of their bets.

Why Don’t Casino Sportsbooks Have Windows or Clocks?

Another common way to bet on sports is through brick-and-mortar establishments. These businesses are also designed to take as much money from you as possible.

Casinos typically do not have windows or clocks for several strategic reasons aimed at maximizing time spent gambling:

  1. Encouraging Time Loss: Without clocks or natural light from windows, players lose track of time. This encourages them to stay longer and gamble more, as they are not reminded of the passage of time or external commitments.

  2. Creating an Immersive Environment: The absence of windows and clocks creates a self-contained environment that focuses players' attention on gambling. This immersion can make the casino environment more captivating and dangerous.

  3. Maintaining Consistent Lighting: Consistent, controlled lighting can make the casino feel lively and energetic at all times, regardless of the time of day.

These design choices are part of a broader strategy to get people hooked on gambling.

Tips to Improve Sleep After Gambling

The best way to prevent gambling from disrupting your sleep is to moderate the amount of time you spend betting or to abstain from the activity.

Here are some other basic tips to help avoid gambling sleep disturbances.

  • Establish a Routine: Engage in calming activities before bed after a gambling session, such as reading, taking a warm bath or practicing meditation.

  • Limit Stimulants: Avoid caffeine, alcohol and heavy meals close to bedtime.

  • Manage Stress: Practice stress-relief techniques like deep breathing exercises or mindfulness meditation to wind down after gambling.

  • Set Limits on Gambling: Plan your gambling sessions to end at least a few hours before your intended bedtime and don’t chase your losses.

If sleep issues persist, it might be helpful to consult a healthcare professional for further advice or to abstain from gambling, especially sports betting due to its high addiction rate.

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